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Old Boys ERP~June 23, 2017

Hard night. We joined forces with the usual suspects from the Wester's . It was a hard fought battle . With the exclusive front row of Dean birch ,Mike Walchuk and the Van D. So the young opponents may have been overwhelmed by the sheer force. The backs may have had popcorn before the game . Knock ons and scrum s were the majority of the game. Malcolm, made the LTs pay with pain. Strong tackling. Shane ran like the wind and Dave Roach seemed to have every ball kicked to him. Great hands and speed. Thanks to Mike P for the strong work at 9 and Dan Berg from the maroon was key to the strong pack that the Antediluvians brought on this fine Friday evening.

Big thanks to Rick O S for running his butt off and for finding the end zone. 26 players and many alumni were in attendance. Special shout out to Tom (Shack) Shacklady for making the drive up from Calgary.

Big thanks to ERU/ERP for the event.


And we barely abused Craig while he was Reffing

The re-hydration session was a great experience with all the clubs banding together.

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