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Christchurch Golden Oldies Tour April 22nd - 29th/2018 - Update #3

All Christchurch Tour Participants & Potentials

Thanks to all who made it out to our last tour information session on March 9th. With the Christchurch Golden Oldies Rugby Festival a little over year away, there remains a lot to do and not much time left to get things & people ready for all of the action in Christchurch. If you weren't able to make it out to the meeting check out the Antediluvians Website regularly for updates and important information.

People are already checking out various tour options to combine with their trip to Christchurch. Trips to some of the exotic Polynesian Islands, Oz and New Zealand are listed as must do's, with one of the best adventures discussed to date being a trip to Stewart Island for a Great White Shark experience in a shark cage. Interested ??

Golden Oldies Festival Updates

More details are now available for the Tuesday Picnic Day at Hamner Springs Resort. Lots of great activities with the option to add a few extra experiences to what should be a great day. Check out details at the link below and if there is enough interest in the add on activities we may be able to help with bookings.

Registration/Commitment. 26 participants (16 players/10 supporters) have now signed up & paid deposits for the full festival package including hotel. In addition there are 30 people who have expressed an interest in joining us but have not made a financial commitment to date. The Antediluvians have reserved hotel rooms for 32 people at the Rendezvous Hotel (now sold out) so there is only room for 6 more participants on a "first come first serve" basis. So don't be disappointed and get your cheque or e-transfer to Eric Germain ASAP.

Reminder : If you haven't already paid your 2nd payment, a minimum of $400/p is due before March 31st to guarantee your hotel room/Oldies registration. Cheque or e-transfer payable to Antediluvians RFC

Tour Kit/costumes. Andy MacKechnie is researching clothing & kit designs with several kit suppliers to ensure that we have items that are not only wearable but highly desired on the trading/swap circuit. If you have any ideas or suggestions for Andy regarding either style, design or suppliers, contact him ASAP as he wants to get things firmed up by the end of June.

Fund Raising - Funds are needed to support on ground activities while in Christchurch and Tour Kit. Fund raising objective is 12 K$. Ryan Thomas will lead the team activities in this area, with a number of raffles and social events already planned. Corporate and individual donations will also be gratefully accepted and recognized by the tour team.

Any questions feel free to contact any member of the tour committee:

  • Eric Germain

  • Arnie Gaudin

  • Andy MacKechnie

  • Ryan Thomas

  • Hope Chick

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